Army and cia interrogation manuals cia manuals the 1983 manual and battalion 316in 1983, the human resource exploitation training manual 1983 methods were used by the u. Army and cia interrogation manuals wikipedia the wave of the future that wasnt. It provides an authoritative guide for leaders and soldiers, while allowing freedom to adapt to circumstances. It was, as alfred mccoy puts it, the codification of everything the cia had learned from its experiments throughout the 50s. This manual is organized as a reference for snipers and leads the trainer. Retrieved november 7, such typologies also cause disagreement even among professional psychiatrists and psychologists. Many websites have begun collecting pdf versions of army field manuals, technical manuals and weapon manuals. The proponent of this publication is the us army intelligence center.
The first manual, kubark counterintelligence interrogation, dated july 1963, is the source. U appendix b is a chronology of significant events that occurred during the period of. Human intelligence collector operations us army field manual 2223, 6 sep 2006. Army intelligence and interrogation handbook builds upon existing doctrine and moves interrogation into the twentyfirst century within the constraints of the uniform code of military justice and the geneva conventions. Cia manual for psychological operations in guerrilla warfare. Army intelligence and interrogation handbook download pdf 144w0z. People who have had practical training in being interrogated become sophisticated subjects, able to spot uncertainty, obvious tricks, and other weaknesses. In 1963, the agency created the kubark counterintelligence interrogation manual. This manual applies to the active army, the army national guard army national guard of the united states, and the united states army reserve unless otherwise stated. This simple sabotage field manual strategic services provisionalis published for the information and guidance of all concerned and will be used as the basic doctrine for strateic services training for this subject. In 1983, the human resource exploitation training manual 1983 methods were used by the u. Interrogations and intelligence belfer center for science and. Army and cia interrogation manuals are seven controversial military training manuals. Army and cia interrogation manuals intelligence wiki.
Fm 2310 preface this field manual provides information needed to train and equip snipers and to aid them in their missions and operations. In 1997, two additional cia manuals were declassified in response to a freedom of information act. Fm 3452 intelligence interrogation military wiki fandom. Cia interrogation, from the cold war to the war on terror, henry holt, 2006.
These manuals recommend arresting suspects early in the morning by surprise, blindfolding them, and stripping them naked. Cia interrogation, torture, assassination manuals 19632009. All articles with unsourced statements articles with unsourced statements from april the interrogation plan c. The task of screening is made easier manuwl the fact that the screener is interested in the subject, not in the information which he may possess. Interrogation, the humint subdiscipline responsible for mi exploitation of enemy. Interviewing differs from interrogation in that it is a search for information. United states army reserve usar, and army national guard arng. Jun 19, 2019 those concerned with the interrogation of defectors, escapees, refugees, or repatriates should know these references. Cic inquiries into many subjects that arc closely related to interrogation.
In all cases the mission of the military forces has priority over the wellbeing of the civilians in the area. Technical intelligence fm 3454, 1998, by united states army pdf at nodak. Torture and the united states includes documented and alleged cases of torture both inside and outside the united states by members of the government. This manual also applies to dod civilian employees and contractors with. February 18, 1997 on september 20, 1996, the pentagon released to the public seven training manuals prepared by the u.
Army intelligence manuals, describing the interrogator as someone able to. As of 27 july 2007, some 542 field manuals were in use. Interrogation and human resource exploitation training manual 1983 were declassified in response to a foia request filed by the baltimore sun in 1994. Army intelligence and interrogation handbook download pdf. April 23, 2018 penn law university of pennsylvania. New document shows fbi interrogation advice draws on cia torture manuals. Headquarters, us army training and doctrine command is the proponent for this publication. This knowledgebecame the genesis for evolving interrogation doctrine. How to create a world of fear, terror, anxiety, dread. An analysis of their content lisa haugaard, latin america working group. We then broke the list down into easy to understand subcategories. Military intelligence united states handbooks, manuals, etc. Examples of the civilian security measures are for this reason a major purpose ciakubarkorture this study is to focus relevant scientific findings upon ci interrogation.
Kubark ci interrogations are designed, almost invariably, to yield information about foreign intelligence and security services or communist organizations. Jul 14, 2019 pdf a careful reading of the kubark manual is essential for anyone involved in anticipating modernday interrogation guides such as cias kubark. The manuals in question have been referred to as the torture manuals by many us media. In accordance with tradoc regulation 2536, the doctrine in this field manual is not policy in and of itself, but is a body of thought on how army forces operate. Jun 23, 2019 cia interrogations chief was involved in latin american torture camps. Psychological operations tactics, techniques, and procedures. Army and cia interrogation manuals, united states the cias declassified torture handbook. United states army field manuals are published by the united states army s army publishing directorate. First, such interrogations should not be conducted for reasons lying outside the sphere of kubark s responsibilities.
Declassified army and cia manuals used in latin america. Threats and threatening gestures, tablepounding, pouncing on evasions or lies, and any similarly authoritative tactics will only awaken in such a subject his old anxieties and habitual defense mechanisms. Herein are the precise and regulated procedures and principles of. The content of our instructional material has continued to. They are usually available to the public at low cost or free electronically. Army intelligence and interrogation handbook us army. Kubarks lack of executive powers is especially significant if the interrogation of a suspect agent or of any other subject who is expected to resist is under consideration. May 07, 2019 kubark counterintelligence interrogation manual pdf this page report, classified secret, was drafted in july as a comprehensive guide for training interrogators in the art of obtaining. It is intended for use by commanders, staffs, trainers, snipers, and soldiers at training posts, army schools, and units. Today wikileaks has released a previously secret u. The second manual, kubark counterintelligence interrogation, dated july. It includes purpose of this chapter is to define the interrogation information on the various levels of. Army intelligence and interrogation handbook provides doctrinal guidance, techniques, and procedures governing the use of interrogators as human intelligence collection agents in support of a commanders intelligence needs.
We would like to remind our readers that this document was produced by the cia under the auspices and. It is also intended for commanders and staffs of joint and combined commands, us naval and marine forces, units of the us air force, and the military forces of multinational partners. Cia interrogation, torture, assassination manuals 1963. The reid technique of interviewing and interrogation is now the most widely used approach to question subjects in the world. It outlines the interrogators role within the greater intelligence effort as well as the units daytoday. Declassified army and cia manuals declassified army and cia manuals used in latin america. Interrogations must follow army field manual along with the order to shut down the guantanamo detention camp, president obama put a stop to the cia s use of extreme interrogation. Though he retreats from reality, he does not want to feel abandoned. According to bradbury, many, if not all, of cia s enhanced interrogation.
Army intelligence relies on the tactics of intelligence interrogation to assess and combat enemy forces, but recent events at the abu ghraib prison in iraq revealed violations of the rules of intelligence interrogation and human rights, officially codified in the u. The manual gives instructions on a range of issues, such as the structure, planning and management of human intelligence operations, the debriefing of soldiers, and the analysis of known relationships and map data. The national security archive is the source of this complete and lessredacted version of the 1963 kubark manual which we release here in one continuous. The us army field manual on interrogation, sometimes known by the military nomenclature fm 3452, is a 177page manual describing to military interrogators how to conduct effective interrogations while conforming with us and international law. Reid and associates began developing interview and interrogation techniques in 1947. Although the army field manual contains a number of express and. The washington post manual, methods for breaking detainees are based generally on psychology. Principles, guidelines, and topics covered include.
The two cia manuals, human resource exploitation training manual 1983 and kubark counterintelligence interrogation july 1963, were originally obtained under the freedom of information act by the baltimore sun in 1997 the cia released a less censored version of the kubark document in february 2014, following a foia request by jeffrey kaye. This manual sets forth the basic principles of interrogation doctrine and establishes proce dures and techniques applicable to army intelligence interrogations, applies to the doctrine contained in fm 341. They contain detailed information and howtos for procedures important to soldiers serving in the field. Dec 05, 2014 guidelines in the army field manual are consistent with u. Cia, kubark counterintelligence interrogation manual kubarka cia codename for itselfdescribes the qualifications of a successful. You will need to download and install the free adobe acrobat reader to view.
New document shows fbi interrogation advice draws on cia. The two manuals were completely declassified manal released to the public in mayand are now available online. The ci interrogator dealing with an uncooperative interrogatee who has been wellbriefed by a hostile service on the legal restrictions under which odyoke services operate must expect some effective delaying tactics. The contents of this manual should be carefully controlled and should not be al10wedto come into unauthorized hands. That is, he should not be pleased, flattered, frustrated, goaded, or otherwise emotionally and personally affected by the. The fifth column has put together a list of the field manuals and technical manuals that are most needed and sought after. Fm3121 1961 guerilla warfare and special forces operations. We then located where each manual is available online. Declassified army and cia manuals latin america working group. As soon as the second door is closed again and a is out of earshot, the interrogator kubak his questioning. The manuals in question have been referred to as the torture manuals by many us media sources.
The reid technique of interviewing and interrogation for. At best it can help readers to avoid the charactt risiic miatake s of poor interrogator s4 ito purpose io to provide guidelines for kubark interrogation, and particularly the cou. The manuals in question have been referred to by various media sources as the torture manuals. Making highvalue targeting operations an effective counterinsurgency tool. Army and cia interrogation manuals cia manuals the 1983 manual and battalion 316. It is equally true that some of the most glaring blunders in interrogation and other operational processes have resulted from ignoring the sources background. Field manual 3452 headquarters department of the anny. In 1997, two additional cia manuals were declassified in response to a freedom of information act foia request filed by the baltimore sun. May 12, 2004 the two cia manuals, human resource exploitation training manual1983 and kubark counterintelligence interrogation july 1963, were originally obtained under the freedom of information act by the baltimore sun in 1997 the cia released a less censored version of the kubark document in february 2014, following a foia request by jeffrey kaye. Mar, 2020 army and cia interrogation manuals are seven controversial military training manuals which ciia declassified by the pentagon in the 86 patients of the total number the baltimore sun was investigating kidnapping, torture and murder committed by the honduran battalion death squad. Such a person has usually had a great deal of overindulgence in early life. Major documents in the history of american intelligence interrogation are included in this unique ebook compilation, including two famous manuals, the cia. Foia documents related to the former detention and interrogation program 6541720 rippub 4 june. Army psychological operations psyop doctrine in fm 305.
Army and cia interrogation manuals is neutral but 1 not correct regarding the army manuals which deals with many other topics beside interrogation and 2 not correct more generally since the article only have material regarding the manuals declassified in 9697, not all manuals interrogation or not that the us have. Army and cia interrogation manuals are seven controversial military training manuals which were declassified by the pentagon in 1996. You also ask whether the cia agents had to follow the requirements of. There is indeed a torture manual and the cia literally wrote it. Central intelligence agency document, dated 7 july, 2009 entitled best practices in counterinsurgency.
The only rationale needed for arrest or detention is that the intelligence agent needs some kind of information from the person. Pdf a careful reading of the kubark manual is essential for anyone involved in anticipating modernday interrogation guides such as cia s kubark. In fact, he starts with a handicap, because exposure to interrogation will have made the source a more effective resister. Army intelligence and interrogation handbook download pdf 22c7c4b003 army and cia interrogation manu. During southwest asia operations, interrogators organized and operated a massive document exploitation docex effort.
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